Commander is the best format

Commander is the best format

Commander is the best format


Commander is the best format. I'm not saying this as an MTG player, though I am one. My case for Commander's supremacy is based on research, data analysis and careful study of the format's history. But more importantly: it just makes sense!

It's a great way to play magic with friends

Perhaps the most important thing Commander has going for it is its flexibility. You can play with people you know, and you can also play with strangers or people you don’t know or even like.

And because of its social nature, Commander games are often much more fun than other formats. As long as everyone is being respectful of one another, there's no downside to having a game filled with laughter and good times instead of quiet contemplation and intense strategy.

People love to build their own decks, which leads to more creativity and customization in deckbuilding

The fact that Commander is a format where players can build their own decks is one of its biggest draws. Not only does this enable players to experiment with different strategies, but it also gives them more control over their play experience and allows them to make it more personal. For example, if you want to build a deck for an aggressive player who likes attacking early and often, you might use cards like Goblin Bushwhacker or Goblin Rabblemaster. If your friend has a more controlling playstyle and likes drawing lots of cards, then maybe we'll throw in some Treasure Cruise?

We've all heard the phrase "you are what you eat," but this also applies to Magic: The Gathering players! You don't just have one side of yourself—you have two or three sides! And each side needs its own decklist that caters specifically to his or her wants and needs (and maybe even interests). So whether your goal is attacking early or flooding the battlefield with bodies late-game—or anything in between—there's something here for everyone!

There are so many different ways to play commander, and they're all fun

There are so many different ways of playing Commander, and they're all fun. The first thing to know is that there are three main formats:

  • Competitive (or "High-Stakes") Commander

  • Casual (or "Low-Stakes") Commander

  • Unofficial/Casual Multiplayer (or "Rogue") Commander.

The format is constantly evolving and changing, so it never gets old

Commander is unique in that it's constantly evolving. New sets are released every year, and new cards are always being printed. This means that even though you may have played with a specific Commander deck for years and years, it's still going to be different than it was even six months ago.

This is also why Commander is such a great format for playing Magic with friends—it never gets old! Having a constantly changing environment means there will always be something new to talk about or try out when you sit down across from one another at the table.

Magic: the Gathering is fun, but Commander is the most fun.

Magic: the Gathering is fun, but Commander is the most fun.

I know this because I've played Magic: The Gathering for almost twenty years now, and my favorite way to play it is Commander (also known as EDH).


In conclusion, commander is the best format. You should probably play it if you haven't already.