Modern is the best format

Modern is the best format

Modern is the best format


Modern is the best format to play. I'll go over the reasons why it's the best, and explain why you should be playing modern in this article.

There is a wide variety of play-styles

In modern, you can play any style of deck. You can play a control deck, or an aggressive deck, or a combo deck. If you want to win on turn 2 with milling your opponent out (because that's how we roll), that's totally fine! If you'd rather have decks playing off their own graveyard and casting more spells than creatures because they're cool like that—it's all good! And if your game plan is to just do nothing until the end of time and then shoot someone in the face with an Emrakul...well sure why not?

Modern allows you to use your old cards

And Modern allows you to do all of these things. You can use your old cards, decks and collections. Both Legacy and Vintage players borrow heavily from the last decade or two of Magic's history in both formats—and they've been doing so for nearly a quarter century now—so there are plenty of copies out there that don't need to be re-purchased.

Modern allows you to play with whatever deck you want, which makes it easier for new players who want to learn how the game works without having to worry about which cards they should buy first (or even if they should buy them at all).

Magic has seen tremendous growth in the past 10 years

Magic has seen tremendous growth in the past 10 years.

In fact, it’s the most popular card game in the world. It’s become so widespread that it's even shown up on TV and in movies – which is a big deal for any hobby.

The modern format is the best way to play MtG

Modern is the best format for competitive Magic: The Gathering.

The modern format is a non-rotating format with all cards from the 8th Edition forward. This means that older cards that are more expensive can be played without having to take out a loan to buy them. It also allows you to play with all of your cards without needing to sell or trade away your collection before new sets come out, which means it's easier and cheaper for newer players to get into modern as well than any other format.

The biggest thing about modern is that it's not just about having good cards or playing a powerful deck but instead requires skill in order to win games consistently against other people who are at your skill level or better than you are during tournaments or casual play sessions. If you're just starting out in MtG, then I would recommend looking up some articles on how different decks operate so that way when someone asks what kind of deck do they want? You can give them an answer based on whatever type(s) you've researched!


In conclusion, the modern format is by far the best way to play MtG. It offers a variety of play-styles and can be played inexpensively along with using your old cards. If you're looking for an exciting new format, then Modern is for you!