Pauper is official - 5 things you need to know

Pauper is official - 5 things you need to know

Remember this date: 27 June 2019. The day Wizards announced that Pauper is finally an official paper format. Complete with a unified list of banned and legal cards between Magic Online and paper. Whether you love Pauper already or are interested in learning more, below are 5 things everyone needs to know...

1. Pauper is a fun and diverse format

Don't believe me? Look through the list of awesome Pauper decks in the Goldfish metagame page. Pauper has burn, tempo and tribal. Pauper has control decks and 5 color decks. Pauper is pure gas!

2. Cards printed at common are legal in Pauper

The definition of Pauper legality is expanding to include any card with a common printing in any paper or digital set. If the card is listed as a common on Gatherer from any set, it is legal in Pauper.

If you play Pauper online, it's worth noting that this will add cards to the format that were not previously legal on Magic Online and supply on MTGO will be managed by including some of these cards in treasure chests.

Wizards say that Gatherer will officially support searching by Pauper legality on July 9.

3. Pauper has it's own banned list

When they ban a card in your deck, it does hurt less when that card is a common... But it still hurts. Pauper has it's own list of banned cards considered unhealthy for the format available online.

Take note that with Pauper becoming a sanctioned format, they are adding Hymn to Tourach, Sinkhole and High Tide to the ban list.

4. Top Deck has a new section of our site just for Pauper

We just added a new page to the site to make it easy for you to find sweet Pauper staples. Some common cards may not be showing up properly yet, but in the next couple of weeks we will be double checking the rarity in our database for all our cards.

5. Joburg has Pauper events

Top Deck's next event will be on Sunday, 21 July 2019. Keep an eye out for event details closer to the time in the Magic: The Gathering - Gauteng Facebook group.